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What Day Do New Ps Plus Games Come Out

It's coming toward the end of the month, and I'm sure many of you are eagerly looking forward to the PS Plus Free Games for December 2021. What are the latest leaks? When will the announcement come? Let's break it down.

When will PS Plus December 2021 games be announced and released?

Traditionally PlayStation Plus games have always been announced on the last Wednesday of ever month at 4.30 PM UK time with the games going live the following Tuesday morning, but this month is a little different. We know the November games are live until December 6th so that means the reveal should be on December 1st rather than November 24th. That said, Sony occasionally decide to change things up and announce them earlier or later and that happened last month when they skipped the usual date and just picked a random date and time.


But here's the thing…. they've leaked.

What will the PS Plus December 2021 games be?

Three games will be included in PS Plus December 2021, leaked by the regular source Billbil-kun on French deals website Dealabs. They have accurately leaked the last few months of PS Plus updates, as well as December's Xbox Games with Gold.

The trio of PS4 and PS5 games are:

  • Godfall Challenger Edition (PS5,PS4)
  • Mortal Shell (PS4)
  • LEGO DC Super-Villains (PS4)

The Gearbox-published Godfall was one of the very first PlayStation 5 games to be announced and a launch title for the new generation platform last year. In the summer, the game was then ported back to the PlayStation 4. Sadly, Godfall didn't do too much to impress us at launch. While it had some interesting ideas in its approach to combat, the dull structure and heavy recycling of content made it a tough game to slog through. At the time we wrote:

"It takes a while for Godfall's combat to truly open up and when it does, you'll revel in its beefy ballet of well-timed blows and counters. That said, it's hard to ignore the flimsy scaffolding that keeps this PS5 launch title standing, the lack of matchmaking, and a loot system you'll quickly lose interest in. Although still great fun in short bursts, this isn't the rousing next-gen RPG experience you've been searching for."

Mortal Shell, on the other hand, drew a lot more praise in our review, a fresh take on the Soulslike genre. This will seemingly be limited to the PS4 version of the game – a new generation upgrade came out in March – though this could change in an official announcement from Sony next week. In our Mortal Shell review, Jason said:

"Mortal Shell is just an incredibly satisfying experience. It'll punish you constantly, but if you can master the mechanics it lays out in front of you then you'll have an incredible time of things. The lore is a little more obvious that in other soulslikes, and the story it tells and the world it puts you in are both rather enthralling. This is definitely a game that fans of dying a lot will enjoy, but it's probably not for everyone."

Last, but not least, you have the family friendly LEGO DC Super-Villains. One of the most known quantities in video games, you'll be happily smashing blocks for hours in this DC comics adventure, from the perspective of the bad guys. Here's our review.

Can I still download the November 2021 PlayStation Plus Games?

Yes you can. The PlayStation Plus games for December are Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning for PlayStation 4, First Class Trouble and Knockout City on both PS4 and with a PS5 version, plus three bonus PSVR games which will remain on the service until 3rd January.

  • Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning (PS4)
  • First Class Trouble (PS5, PS4)
  • Knockout City (PS5, PS4)
  • The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners (PSVR)
  • The Persistence (PSVR)
  • Until You Fall (PSVR)

What Day Do New Ps Plus Games Come Out
